Press Release

Introducing the New Release of Epsilon Chain™ Stainless Steel Series,
the world’s Smallest Roller Chain

September 17, 2024

Tsubakimoto Chain Co. (Head office: Kita-ku, Osaka, President and Representative Director: Takatoshi Kimura) has developed a roller chain in the same configuration as JIS-compliant roller chains with a pitch (spacing between pins of each link) of 1.905 mm, the smallest1 in the world. After being offered initially as a specialty product, this innovative chain will be officially introduced on October 1, 2024, as Epsilon Chain Stainless Steel Series (Model RS6).

Epsilon Chain (foreground) and our previous smallest roller chain, RS11

Epsilon Chain features a pitch of only 1.905 mm, which is roughly half that of our previous smallest roller chain to date, the Model RS11, which has a pitch of 3.7465 mm. This breakthrough makes it possible to transmit power in small spaces, a task that was previously quite challenging.
For example, belts and wires are the mainstream form of power transmission in medical and healthcare devices and in the end effectors2 of industrial robots, which are becoming smaller and lighter. However, the reliability of power transmission in these devices has proven challenging due to issues with wire slippage under load. Adopting Epsilon Chain in such power transmission mechanisms makes it possible to transmit greater power over longer distances, a task that had proven difficult with belts and wires. This innovation contributes to higher precision and more compact device configurations. Moreover, by contributing to the ongoing adoption of industrial robots and other such devices, this chain is expected to help reduce labor requirements while enhancing the energy efficiency at manufacturing sites.

1:According to our research
2:A device that attaches to the end of a robot arm to tighten screws and perform other such operations

1. Features

The five components of a roller chain

• Reliable power transmission in the world’s smallest roller chain

With a chain pitch of a mere 1.905 mm, the world’s smallest, this chain provides reliable power transmission for mechanisms and devices designed for very small spaces.

• Long service life

Small roller chains are typically configured without rollers. Our Epsilon Chain incorporates rollers and is constructed with the same five components as JIS-compliant roller chains (illustration at right). Despite its extremely small size, this chain provides a long service life with reduced wear thanks to its smooth engagement with the sprocket.

• High strength

With the parts processing and assembly technologies we have cultivated over the years, we have achieved a minimum tensile strength of 0.36 kN, despite the extremely small size of this chain. The mass of this chain is only about ⅓ that of our previous smallest chain, the Model RS11.

• Adaptable to corrosive environments

All five components of the chain are made of stainless steel. As a result, it can be used in environments where water is present, such as cleaning applications.

2. Specifications

Chain pitch 1.905mm
Internal diameter of inner link 1.27mm
Outer diameter of roller 1.19mm
Minimum tensile strength 0.36kN
Mass 17g/m
Number of sprocket teeth 9 teeth or more
minimum pitch circle diameter

3. Delivery schedule

Negotiable. Please contact a sales representative.

4. Selling price

Please contact a sales representative.

5. Release date

October 1, 2024

6. Sales forecast

FY2025: 10 million yen, FY2026: 50 million yen

For your reference

• The “Epsilon Chain Stainless Steel Series” Special Website

• Press release of September 24, 2024
Epsilon Chain™ Stainless Steel Series is an Ultra-Small Roller Chain Recognized by Third-party organization as the World’s Smallest

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