Message to Our Stakeholders
Aiming to Achieve a Sustainable Society

The Tsubaki Group has, since its founding in 1917, contributed to solving social issues as a manufacturer, by providing products that are directly connected to power and energy saving. This is truly the practical implementation of Tsubaki’s Mission, to “advance the ‘art of moving’ beyond expectations,” as laid out in our corporate philosophy. No matter what changes may occur in society, our corporate attitude remains constant.
Recent years have seen astounding changes to the business environment in which we operate, whether it is the response to changes in climate, the problems of resources and energy, advances in the information society, or, in Japan’s case, a shrinking labor force due to declining birthrates and an aging society. When it comes to our corporate activities, we have been redoubling our efforts to achieve our goal of solving social issues from a global perspective, including those related to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN.
It is against this backdrop that the Tsubaki Group initiated Mid-Term Plan 2025, with the dual goals of growing our business and contributing to a sustainable society. Using the technology of movement (i.e., Linked Automation* technology), we will focus on creating new businesses and aim for the type of innovation that is not bogged down by the boundaries of existing businesses, as well as being a corporate group that addresses social issues.
Additionally, on the ESG (environment, society, and governance) front, we will be singling out priority matters (material issues), expanding and strengthening our activities globally from a mid- to long-term perspective, and improving our social and economic value, while striving to make a sustainable society a reality, and building relationships of trust with customers and societies the world over.
* Linked Automation: A technology domain that is highly functional and highly automated.
Kenji Kose, Chairman and Representative Director
Takatoshi Kimura, President and Representative Director