Message to Shareholders & Investors

Takatoshi Kimura, President and Representative Director
To all our stakeholders, we would like to express our deepest gratitude for your continued support.
Consolidated Financial Results for FY2023
Consolidated results for FY2023 were net sales of 266.8 billion yen and operating income of 21.2 billion yen (operating income ratio of 8.0%).
Net sales increased 6.1% from the previous fiscal year due to strong performance in the chain business and mobility business and the weaker yen, while operating income increased 12.0% and the operating income ratio improved by 0.3% (7.7% in the previous fiscal year).
Consolidated Operating Results Forecast for FY2024
We expect the global economy in FY2024 to remain uncertain due to the delayed recovery of the Chinese economy and heightened geopolitical risks in the Middle East. The Japanese economy is also expected to be affected by overseas economies, and is expected to recover only moderately.
With an eye on achieving “What we want to be in 2030” that we set forth in the Long-Term Vision 2030 and the goals of the Mid-Term Management Plan 2025 which started in fiscal year 2021, the Tsubaki Group will aim for speedy management by accelerating the decision-making process and focus on various measures conscious of capital costs.
The consolidated earnings forecast for FY2024 is as follows.
Net sales ¥274.0 billion (2.7% increase year-on-year)
Operating income ¥20.0 billion (5.9% decrease year-on-year)
As a corporate group contributing to finding solutions to social issues, we will continue to strive for further advancing our sustainability activities including the achievement of carbon neutrality.
We look forward to the continued support of our shareholders as we pursue these objectives.
November 2024
Kenji Kose, Chairman and Representative Director
Takatoshi Kimura, President and Representative Director