Research and Development

The Tsubaki Group is aiming to establish Linked Automation as the area of technology that links highly functional and highly automated technologies to solve the social issues outlined in the Long-Term Vision.

Tsubaki’s Technologies

Tsubaki’s wide-ranging business evolution, from parts and units to modules and systems, is rare in the industrial world and represents a significant asset. As a manufacturing company, we remain focused on strengthening and expanding our technical fields, while simultaneously promoting research and development in fusion technologies with an eye on the future.

Linked Automation Technology

Fusion Technologies

The Tsubaki Group is striving to solve issues in society by fusing our superior technologies with technologies that will be needed in the future, based on the core technologies we have accumulated.

Technologies that demonstrate Tsubaki's technological superiority

  • Mechanical Design Technologies

    These are design technologies for machinery and mechanisms that need to be highly reliable, such as wrapping transmissions and parts and units for automobiles. We are moving forward with the development of foundational technologies as a machinery manufacturer.

  • High Functionality Technologies

    These are materials technologies that provide high functionality and high reliability, such as those used in chain and mobility products. We are developing technologies to create high functionality Tsubaki products.

  • Electrification Technologies

    These are control technologies for drive components such as motors and systematized applications. Our products meet a wide range of customers’ needs, from parts and units to entire systems.

Technologies Required to Solve Issues in Society

  • Automation Technology

    Cutting-edge automation and unmanned automation technologies such as human-assist devices (healthcare, etc.), soft robotics, IoT/AI utilization, high-performance control, sensing technology, information and communications, unmanned logistics, agriculture and life sciences.

  • Environmental Technology

    Our environmental technologies are intended to contribute to long service life, weight reduction, miniaturization, high strength, quiet operation, and the use of new energy-efficient materials for energy saving (including optimization and evaluation technologies, and systematization technologies).

  • Composite Technologies

    Technologies that optimize and integrate multiple devices and facilities that provide different functions. For example, they link the technologies of each business division with technologies provided by other companies, or they integrate mechanical, control, and information technologies.

Tsubaki’s Research and Development System

We are strengthening our system for industry-industry and industry-academia co-creation centering on the R&D Center to develop high added-value products that have a deep significance in society.

Chart of the Research and Development System

Functions of the R&D Center

New technology creation Development of superior products using highly original technologies
Technological development Strengthen our abilities in mechanisms/structures, materials/surface treatments, friction/abrasion/lubrication, AI, agriculture business, biomass, and other technical fields
Intellectual property strategy Undertake global expansion of intellectual property strategies in collaboration with the various business divisions.
Co-creation in the Tsubaki Group Develop commissioned themes (new products) from business divisions and Group companies, horizontally deploy advanced technologies, create value through technology expos, etc.

Trends of R&D Costs and Ratio of R&D Costs to Net Sales

Technology expos held by the R&D Center

The Process of Inspiring Innovation

The Tsubaki Group is focused on generating opportunities for co-creation. This involves supporting open innovation and strengthening cross-divisional deployment with the various business divisions, as well as developing an environment in which our engineers naturally seek to innovate.

Image of open innovation

Recent R&D Themes

Please refer to the Tsubaki Technical Review (technical information magazine) for the most recent R&D themes.

Technical Journals *Japanese Version

Toward a Sustainable Society

The Tsubaki Group is engaged in the “art of moving” and aims to provide value that exceeds expectations
to become a company that continues to be needed by society.