Intellectual Property
Global Intellectual Property Strategies
The Tsubaki Group is globally advancing aggressive intellectual property strategies by extending patent application and acquisition of industrial property rights in Japan and overseas through an approach aimed at strengthening product competitiveness.
We are striving to strengthen our business competitiveness by promoting the strategic use of industrial property rights in cooperation between the Intellectual Property and Business Divisions. This includes strengthening activities aimed at avoiding the risk of infringing on other parties’ rights by our company and proactively responding to infringements by other parties.
Basic Policy on Intellectual Property
In addition to strategically producing intellectual properties and obtaining the rights, we will also reinforce our business competitiveness by proactively protecting and utilizing intellectual property.
2.Basic Policy
(1) With the relevant departments working together as one, we implement strategic intellectual property activities.
(2) Through a multifaceted perspective, we actively pursue the developments of products based on advanced technical skill and the creation and effective utilization of intellectual property.
(3) Our intellectual property division trains strategic IP personnel and raises the IP skills of various business divisions.
(4) In the event of a third party infringing our intellectual property rights we pursue firm countermeasures.
(5) The various departments cooperate to achieve the appropriate brand strategy.
(6) We respect the intellectual property rights of third parties, and do not infringe upon them.
⁎ The term “intellectual property rights” refers not only to the patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, and trademark rights that come into effect through patent office procedures (collectively referred to as “industrial property rights”), but also to the rights that come into effect without the need for a procedure, namely copyrights and trade secrets (know-how).
Upward Trend in Number of Patents Held by the Tsubaki Group