Share Status
(As of March 31, 2023)

Share Status

Securities Code 6371
Stock Listing Prime Market
Total Number of Authorized Shares 59,800,000 shares
Total Number of Shares Issued 38,281,393 shares
Shares Trading Unit 100 shares
Number of Shareholders 12,431

Major Shareholders (Top 10)

Name Number of Shares Held
Percentage of Total Shares Issued (%)
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 4,695 12.67
Taiyo Life Insurance Company 3,559 9.61
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd.(Trust account) 1,671 4.51
Kyoeikai Members Stock Ownership Association 1,620 4.37
Nippon Life Insurance Company 1,576 4.25
Tsubakimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd. 1,158 3.12
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 1,000 2.70
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited 722 1.94
Resona Bank, Limited 667 1.80

(Notes) 1. Numbers less than 1,000 have been rounded down.

2. Although the Company holds treasury stock of 1,248,696 shares, it is not included in the above list of major shareholders.

3. Percentage of total shares issued has been calculated excluding the treasury stock of 1,248,696 shares.

Shareholder Composition

  • Number of Shareholders
    Number of Shareholders
  • Number of Shares Held
    Number of Shares Held

Toward a Sustainable Society

The Tsubaki Group is engaged in the “art of moving” and aims to provide value that exceeds expectations
to become a company that continues to be needed by society.