Corporate Governance

Basic Concept

Tsubakimoto Chain Co. regards enhancing corporate governance as one of the most important management tasks to create value for customers and contribute to society.
We have thus formulated this approach into the basic corporate governance policy stated below and strives to improve the corporate governance.

Basic Corporate Governance Policy

Rights of Shareholders and Securing Equal Treatment

Tsubakimoto Chain Co. (the “Company”) shall respect the rights of shareholders, ensure their fair and equal treatment, and endeavor to maintain an environment where the rights of shareholders can be properly executed.

Appropriate Cooperation with Stakeholders Other than Shareholders

Under the corporate philosophy “TSUBAKI SPIRIT,” the Company shall endeavor to enhance and maintain the relationship of trust with every stakeholder.

Ensuring Appropriate Information Disclosure and Transparency

The Company shall commit to continuously and proactively disclosing information to all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, in a timely, accurate, and fair manner, and regards such as the basic stance of the disclosure policy. The information disclosed by the Company shall be made available on the corporate website.

Responsibilities of the Board

The board shall instruct and/or supervise the Company not only in compliance with laws and regulations but also in an efficient and transparent manner, and endeavor to increase competitiveness of the Company in ever changing business environments.
We will enhance and expedite the decision-making of the Board of Directors, concentrate efforts on strategy formulation, and strengthen the level of oversight over operational execution and improve management efficiency by clearly separating strategy formulation and oversight by the Board of Directors and operational execution by executive officers.
Through the appointment of outside directors and outside Audit & Supervisory Board members, we will endeavor to enhance the independence of the Board of Directors, to heighten the oversight function and transparency of business management, and to enhance corporate value.

Dialogue with Shareholders

The Company shall pursue “sincere and transparent management” and “due attention to the interests and concerns of shareholders,” and shall enhance dissemination of information as well as its quality and volume in communicating with shareholders.

Promotion System

The Company makes a clear line between strategy formulation and oversight for the Group by the Board of Directors and business execution by the COO and the executive officers who are also members of the Management Meeting. Furthermore, the Company the strategy meeting, which is positioned as the second-highest decision making body in the Company after the Board of Directors, to deliberate and make decisions regarding important Groupwide business strategies and management policies.


Organizational structure Company with Auditors
Number of directors 6 (of which 3 are outside directors)
Term of office of directors 1 year
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Number of the Audit & Supervisory Board members 4 (of which 2 are outside Audit & Supervisory Board members)
Number of independent board members 3 outside directors and 2 outside Audit & Supervisory Board members
Number of meetings of the Board of Directors 14 (fiscal year ended March 31, 2023)
Number of meetings of the Audit & Supervisory Board 18 (fiscal year ended March 31, 2023)
Number of meetings of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee 4 (fiscal year ended March 31, 2023)

Corporate Governance Structure

Corporate Governance Structure

Skill Matrix of Board Members

Name Position and responsibility in the Company Corporate Management Global Experience Technology/
Legal Affairs/
Kenji Kose Chairman and Representative Director
Chief Executive Officer
Takatoshi Kimura President and Representative Director
Chief Operations Officer
Masaki Miyaji Director
Keiichi Ando Director
Hisae Kitayama Director
Takashi Tanisho Director
Koji Tanaka Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Kazuya Kawasaki Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Shozo Seki Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Hidefumi Naito Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Note: The above table indicates a maximum of three of the main skills possessed by each director, rather than representing all of their skills.

Measures Taken for Corporate Governance

The Company has implemented the following management structure reforms to enhance the independence of the Board of Directors, to invigorate discussions at meetings of the Board of Directors on strategies for medium-to-long term growth, and to strengthen the supervisory function of the Board of Directors over the business execution.

FY 2004
  • • Introduced executive officer system
  • • Appointed an outside director
  • • Increased the number of outside Audit & Supervisory Board members from one to two
FY 2011
  • • Introduced a strategy meeting system
FY 2013
  • • Increased the number of outside directors from one to two
FY 2015
  • • Reformed management system to separate the roles of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Operating Officer (COO)
  • • Responded to Japan’s Corporate Governance Code
FY 2017
  • • Increased the number of outside directors from two to three
FY 2018
  • • Established a business segment headquarters for each business segment, which oversees the business segment and its Group companies in Japan and overseas
    (moved to a system in which executive officers serve as general managers of business segments)
FY 2019
  • • Drew a clear line between strategy formulation and oversight by the Board of Directors and business execution by the executive officers
  • • Established a Nomination and Remuneration Committee as a voluntary advisory body to the Board of Directors
  • • Abolished the concurrent posts of directors and executive officers
FY 2020
  • • Introduced a restricted stock compensation plan for directors (excluding outside directors)
FY 2021
  • • Review of the committee structure, including establishment of the Sustainability Committee
FY 2022
  • • Expanded the restricted stock compensation plan to include executive officers (excluding non-residents of Japan)

Establishment of a Nomination and Remuneration Committee

In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020, the Company established a Nomination and Remuneration Committee, which is chaired by an outside director, as a voluntary advisory body to the Board of Directors to bolster the independence, objectivity, and accountability of the Board of Directors.
This committee holds discussions for matters such as nominations and remunerations of directors and appointment and dismissal of the CEO and/or the COO, and reports to the Board of Directors.

Reasons for Appointments of the Independent Directors/Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Outside Directors

Name Reason for appointment Attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors
(FY 2022)
Keiichi Ando Based on his wealth of knowledge and experience as a director of financial institutions, etc., the Company appointed Mr. Ando to receive advice on the areas of finance and corporate governance, and to otherwise receive appropriate supervision of its management. We believe that, going forward, he will provide the Company with oversight from an objective and neutral standpoint. Attended 13 out of 14 meetings
Hisae Kitayama Based on her wealth of experience as a certified public accountant in an auditing firm and her high level of specialist knowledge regarding corporate accounting, the Company appointed Ms. Kitayama to receive advice on the area of accounting, and to otherwise receive appropriate supervision of its management. We believe that, going forward, she will provide the Company with oversight from an objective and neutral standpoint. Attended all 14 meetings
Takashi Tanisho Mr. Tanisho has a wealth of experience and broad insight as a representative director at Hitachi Zosen Corporation, as well as extensive business experience in the fields of manufacturing, technology, and management strategy. We believe that he will provide accurate advice on the Company’s management, and supervise the Company from an objective and neutral standpoint. --
(For appointment on June 29, 2023)

Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Name Reason for appointment Attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board
(FY 2022)
Shozo Seki Based on his experience from his many years as a lawyer and his high level of specialist knowledge regarding corporate legal affairs, the Company appointed Mr. Seki to receive appropriate auditing of its management. We believe that, going forward, he will audit the Company from a specialist point of view as well as from an objective and neutral standpoint. Board of Directors
Attended all 14 meetings
Audit & Supervisory Board
Attended all 18 meetings
Hidefumi Naito Based on his experience from his many years as a lawyer and his high level of specialist knowledge regarding corporate legal affairs, the Company appointed Mr. Naito to receive appropriate auditing of its management. We believe that, going forward, he will audit the Company from a specialist point of view as well as from an objective and neutral standpoint. Attended all 14 meetings Attended all 18 meetings

Compensation for the Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Compensation for Directors

The Board of Directors passed a resolution on the policy for determining the method for calculating compensation after deliberations and reporting by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, a voluntary advisory body to the Board of Directors comprising a majority of outside directors.

So that compensation for internal directors provides an effective incentive for realizing sustainable improvements in corporate value over the long term, the Company has adopted a compensation system that focuses on the link between business performance and shareholder profit. Specifically, this system comprises fixed compensation and performance-based compensation, which are monetary compensation, and stock compensation restrictions, which is non-monetary compensation.

Given that they perform the role of carrying out management supervision from an objective and neutral standpoint, compensation for outside directors comprises only fixed compensation, which is monetary compensation.

Compensation for the Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Given that they perform the role of carrying out management supervision from an objective and neutral standpoint, compensation for Audit & Supervisory Board members comprises only fixed compensation, which is monetary compensation.

We abolished director bonuses at the conclusion of the 97th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 29, 2006, and abolished the system of retirement benefits for directors at the conclusion of the 99th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 27, 2008. At the 111th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 26, 2020, the Company introduced stock compensation restrictions on transfer to directors other than outside directors.

Executive category Total compensation amount
(Millions of yen)
Total amount of each type of compensation (millions of yen) Number of applicable personnel
Fixed compensation Performance-based compensation Non-monetary compensation
(Stock compensation restrictions)
(Outside Directors)
45 12 8
Audit & Supervisory Board members
(Outside Audit & Supervisory Board members)
- - 4

*1: Numbers less than 1 million yen have been rounded down.

*2: The above includes one director whose term of service concluded at the 113th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 29, 2022, and one director whose term of service concluded on April 12, 2022 due to the director passing away.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors

We have been evaluating the effectiveness of the Board of Directors since 2018 in order to improve its performance.
The Company requires all of its directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members to complete a questionnaire on matters including the Board of Directors’ structure, operation, and agenda items. Based on an analysis and evaluation of the questionnaire results, we have determined that the Board of Directors is functioning effectively.
In light of the results of the previous evaluation, we have been striving to ensure that the necessary reports are correctly prepared through the post-review committee structure, as well as to further enhance and expand the provision of information through a variety of meetings, including Board of Directors information exchange meetings, opinion exchange meetings, and Mid-term Management Plan progress report meetings, all with the aim of further enhancing discussions on medium- and long-term management policies and strategies at Board of Directors meetings. As a result, some participants commented again that it was be beneficial to share information on business activities, business performance, management policies, and management issues.
Nevertheless, we received many more meaningful opinions than in the past, mainly about items concerning the operation and agenda of the Board of Directors, indicating that we should further enhance discussions on medium- and long-term management resource allocation policies, global management personnel training policies and diversification of the management level, risk management, and other topics. We will continue to consider improvements to further enhance the Board’s effectiveness.

Response to Japan’s Corporate Governance Code

For details on the Company’s corporate governance status and its compliance with the Corporate Governance Code, refer to the Corporate Governance Report as linked below.

Corporate Governance Report *Japanese Version (0 bytes)

Internal Control System

For the Company and other Group companies, we have formulated internal control regulations and established the Internal Control Committee in accordance with our Basic Policy on Internal Control. The Internal Control Committee is responsible for advancing ongoing initiatives in the following areas that are inclusive of the entire organization and participated in by all employees.

(1) Internal control initiatives stipulated by the Companies Act

We have established an emergency contact system on a global scale to enable information on risks that occur within the Group to be promptly communicated to senior management. We also implement annual risk management status surveys of major subsidiaries in Japan and overseas to ascertain the status of their risk management and follow up on their activities.

(2) Internal control initiatives described in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
Internal control meeting at an overseas subsidiary
Internal control meeting at an overseas subsidiary

Based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Group has established internal control initiatives to ensure the appropriateness of the preparation process of its consolidated financial statements.
As overseas sales have increased in recent years, the number of overseas subsidiaries covered by these initiatives has increased each year. For this reason, with the aim of quickly introducing these initiatives at overseas subsidiaries, we are taking steps toward establishing related materials for, and the sharing of expertise with, overseas subsidiaries while concentrating efforts on enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of evaluations.

(3) Internal control initiatives conducted by the Group on a voluntary basis

The Group is advancing Tsubaki Internal Control Operation (TICO) initiatives for documenting the procedures of important work in each department. As activities that ensure the appropriateness of controls of risks for each type of work and objectively judge if there is unreasonableness or waste through visualizing important work, the TICO activities play a part in the Group’s important internal control initiatives.

Basic Policy on Internal Control

Toward a Sustainable Society

The Tsubaki Group is engaged in the “art of moving” and aims to provide value that exceeds expectations
to become a company that continues to be needed by society.