Coexisting with Local Communities
Basic Concept
The Tsubaki Group’s manufacturing and sales bases extend to 26 countries and regions across the world. We not only contribute to society through our business activities but also understand cultures and laws and regulations that differ by country and region and carry out a host of activities rooted in local communities as members of those communities.
Initiatives in Japan
Social Contribution Activities
As a member of the local community, in addition to active communication with the local people, we conduct a variety of social contribution activities.
eLINK V2X Bi-Directional EV Charging Systems Donated to Three Cities to Support Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Our company donated eLINK V2X bi-directional EV charging systems to three cities (Kyotanabe, Nagaokakyo, and Hanno), for use in disaster prevention and disaster mitigation measures in the cities where our main plants are located.
In the event of a power outage resulting from a large-scale natural disaster or other such cause, electricity is supplied to civic halls (which serve as the emergency headquarters) and other facilities via the eLINK, using electric vehicles as the power source. The eLINK will be opened to the public as an electric automobile charger during normal times.

Providing the Employee Parking Area as the Venue for a “Runbike*” Children’s Sports Race (Saitama Plant)
Runbike has become popular as an opportunity to promote children’s health and improve communication with family members and friends. The Saitama Plant parking area was provided as the venue for this race. The children participating in the event, and their watching parents, were all extremely intent. 500 parents and children participated on the day of the event, and we were overwhelmed by the energy of the children from start to finish.
* Runbike: A vehicle for children which is propelled by running on the ground rather than by pedaling

Participation in the Hanno Shinryoku Two-Day March, and Communication with Members of the Local Community (Saitama Plant)
In May 2023, the Hanno Shinryoku Two-Day March (sponsored by Hanno City) was held. Participants in this event can enjoy nature while walking around Hanno City in Saitama Prefecture.
More than 10,000 people participated in the event over two days, and the Saitama Plant participated as rest area volunteers. The rest area constructed at the plant included an exhibit of our company’s products, and was also an opportunity to communicate the “future of tomorrow” to members of the local community.

Supporting Development of the Next Generation
We plan and host events designed to deepen understanding of manufacturing corporations through visiting national institutes of technology to give lectures to students and inviting students from elementary and junior high schools to experience plant tours and students from junior and senior high schools for work experience programs.
Visiting Class on Machining Technologies at Kitakyushu College (Kyotanabe Plant)

At the Kyotanabe Plant, a visiting class on metal machining was conducted for students of the Machine Systems Engineering Course at Kitakyushu College, which has previously assisted us through internships and other means. The students learn the basics of machining methods through their ordinary classes. During this lesson, we provided a clear explanation of how those machining methods are actually used, and also talked about the latest machining methods. Students’ interest in manufacturing was boosted by the explanation of how technical issues in metal machining were overcome, including some hands-on learning.
We will continue contributing to the development of the next generation of engineers through visiting classes in the future.
Collaboration on a Workplace Learning Experience for Junior High School Students (Okayama Plant, Kyotanabe Plant)
We held a workplace learning experience at the Okayama Plant over three days for second year students at local junior high schools in Tsuyama City. Based on the mission of workplace experience learning, described as “stepping away from the school and interacting with people working in the local area to learn the etiquette and discipline required of working adults, and developing an independent spirit and patience through work,” the students experienced learning about actual practices in the manufacturing workplace and CAD operations in the Products Engineering Department.
The Kyotanabe Plant also held a workplace learning experience for local second year junior high school students. In addition to learning about the enjoyment and difficulties of manufacturing, the students learned about the importance of quality and safety while engaging with simulated experience equipment.

Plant Tour for Local Elementary School Students
At the Kyotanabe Plant, we held our annual summer holiday parent-child plant tour for elementary school students in the city. This is a popular experience-type event that involves all five senses and includes a chain assembly competition. At the Saitama Plant, we actively accept tours by fifth year elementary school social studies classes in Hanno City, and conduct an experience-type plant tour based on the theme of “Enjoy the Plant!” where students learn by seeing, touching, and experiencing.

Environmental Activities
We are taking part in community-based environmental events, including holding environment-themed classes in elementary schools. Each business site is also taking part in cleanup activities with surrounding communities. Employees actively participate, working to be good members of the community.

Kyotanabe City Citizens’ Festival and environmental festival
Through participation in local events, we introduce our activities aimed at reducing environmental impacts at the plant and initiatives for reducing environmental impacts through our products.

Tsubakimoto Chain Headquarters and Osaka Office
We participated in the Clean-up Activity in the Nakanoshima Area in Kita-ku, Osaka City.
We intend to participate in this event in the future, which aims to keep the streets of Nakanoshima clean through activities conducted in cooperation among corporations, residents, and the government.

Tsubakimoto Chain Nagaokakyo Plant
We participated in the local Zero Trash Movement at the Nagaokakyo Plant, which faces Route 171.
The traffic volume is high, so there is a large amount of trash, and the event also changed the awareness of everyone who participated.

Tsubakimoto Bulk Systems
Twice a year, we take part in joint cleaning run by local Industrial Park member companies, which help to keep the local environment looking clean and beautiful.
Initiatives Overseas
Overseas, we are engaged in various charity and environmental activities to accommodate the unique character of each region.
15th Year of Mangrove-planting Activities (Thailand)
Tsubakimoto Automotive (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (TAT)
Tsubaki Automotive (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (TAT) began mangrove-planting activities in 2008. In FY 2023, which was the 15th year of these activities, we planted 3,200 trees. This was interrupted in 2021 due to the effects of COVID-19, however, so far we have planted a total of 38,953 trees, which equates to a reduction of 487 metric tons of CO2. These steady and continuous activities contribute to global warming countermeasures.
We have been expanding our CSR activities across the board, not just these mangrove-planting activities, including donations of water tanks and medical supplies, conservation activities for wild animals (salt and nutrient supplementation activities), as well as selling recycled goods brought in by employees and donating the proceeds to elementary schools.

Donation of an Ambulance in Cooperation with a Local Hospital (India)
Tsubaki India Power Transmission Private Limited (TIPL)

In India, the Companies Act requires companies to use a portion of their net income for CSR activities.
At our India subsidiary TIPL, we donated the base vehicle for an ambulance to a local hospital in Chennai in October 2023. The medical equipment inside the ambulance was provided by the hospital, and together this is helping to create a local emergency medical system.
TIPL has established a vision of “contributing to a healthier and safer society,” and will continue to focus on social contribution initiatives in the future.