Coexistence with Nature

Modern society is maintained by receiving a variety of ecosystem “services” from nature, including circulation and regeneration of materials in the atmosphere, water, and soil. The Tsubaki Group is helping to protect the ecosystem by reducing the environmental impact of our manufacturing processes and by developing products in harmony with the global environment. Furthermore, we are striving to improve the environment and conserve the ecosystem by directly cooperating with the environmental conservation activities taking place all around us in the Group companies within and outside of Japan.

Greening Initiatives in Factories

The Tsubaki Group is focused on expanding green areas and environmental facilities at our 11 business locations in Japan. The “greening rate” based on the area of green space and the “total greening rate” based on the area of green space plus the area related to environmental facilities are shown in the table below, as of March 31, 2022.

List of Factory Greening Rates (Based on Factory Location Act)

As of May 31, 2023

[Unit: m2]

Total Site
Overall Ratio Green Area (1) Greening Rate Environmental Facility
Area (2)
Overall Ratio Green Area and
Environmental Facility
[(1) + (2)]
Greening Rate
Production Equipment
Overall Ratio
11 locations in Japan
670,427 100% 143,852 21.5% 35,533 5.3% 179,385 26.8% 174,291 26.0%

* Environmental facilities: Facilities other than green areas, such as squares, fountains, and solar power generation.

Examples of Activities at Overseas Group Companies

Tsubaki Kabelschlepp GmbH (TKG, Germany)

TKG is carrying out initiatives that combine maintaining biodiversity with the welfare of employees. The company regenerated 5,100 m2 of land that was impacted during the construction of the TKG premises. It created a “grassland area of wilderness” by planting grassy areas filled with fruits trees and other plants and creating ponds, as well as setting up a rooftop garden. And it even set up beehives in the grassland area, which have become homes for about 160,000 bees. There are also benches and walking paths in the grassland area, making it a pleasant place of rest and relaxation for employees.

Toward a Sustainable Society

The Tsubaki Group is engaged in the “art of moving” and aims to provide value that exceeds expectations
to become a company that continues to be needed by society.