Response to Climate Change
Basic Concept
The Tsubaki Group addresses a variety of issues through its Environmental Philosophy of contributing to the “development of a sustainable society” by generating environmental value and economic value through manufacturing. In particular, the need to respond to changes in the environment is a high priority matter in the Tsubaki Group’s medium- and long-term management plans. The Group has joined together and is working to achieve the long-term target of striving to limit the rise in global average temperatures since the industrial revolution to 1.5°C, and keeping it well below 2°C that was established by international consensus in the Paris Agreement.
In 2023, we acquired SBT certification which verifies that the company’s targets for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions are consistent with the Paris Agreement. We have established mid- to long-term targets and are systematically carrying out activities to reduce CO2 emissions, aiming to achieve carbon neutrality by FY 2050.
Information Disclosure in Accordance with the TCFD
CO2 Emissions Reduction Activities
As environmental concerns persist, the Tsubaki Group is working to reduce its CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gas emissions.
Much of the energy used in the Group’s manufacturing is concentrated in the production process. Consequently, the Tsubaki Group is improving energy efficiency by proactively installing energy-saving production equipment; applying thermal insulation coatings to our main plants; reviewing the operating conditions of compressors; and implementing air leakage countermeasures. Furthermore, our various measures to reduce CO2 emissions include expanding the use of renewable energy by proactively installing solar power generation equipment in new and renovated plants and adopting LED lighting.
To strengthen these activities, in FY 2023 we introduced Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP). We will continue to carry out activities aimed at achieving Group targets through complete energy-saving activities and the use of renewable energy.
CO2 Emissions Reduction Targets
Indicator | Scope | Medium-term Target (FY 2025) |
Long-term Target (FY 2030)* |
FY 2050 Target |
Scope 1 + 2 emissions reduction rate |
Domestic | 30% (compared to FY 2013) |
42% (compared to FY 2021) |
Carbon neutrality |
Outside Japan | 20% or more (compared to FY 2018) |
Scope 3 emissions reduction rate |
Global | - | 25% in Category 1 and 11 (compared to FY 2021) |
Ratio of renewable energy consumption |
Domestic | 30% or more of electrical power used | Set when formulating the next Mid-term Management Plan is formulated | 100% of electrical power used |
* Long-term targets were revised following the acquisition of SBT certification in 2023.
FY 2023 Results
Regarding the Japan Scope 1 + 2 emissions reduction targets and renewable energy usage rate, we have already achieved our medium-term target and are working towards our long-term target (42% reduction by FY 2030 compared to FY 2021 levels), which is a shared global target.
As a result, emissions in FY 2023 were reduced by 19.4% as compared to the baseline for our long-term target. As for the mid-term target by fiscal 2025, the domestic reduction target was 30% compared to fiscal 2013 and the actual result was 37.6%, while the overseas reduction target was 20% compared to fiscal 2018 and the actual result was 16.0%.
Compared to the previous fiscal year, in Japan, we focused on purchasing carbon-free power with a non-fossil certificate and on a range of energy-saving activities. However, CO2 emissions increased by 3.5% due in part to a 3.1% increase in production. Although there was an increase in production overseas, CO2 emissions were reduced by 3.2% as a result of installing solar panels and introducing other carbon-free power, primarily in Europe and at business sites under the umbrella of the Mobility Business.
We will continue to accelerate activities aimed at achieving our targets while giving consideration to global production plans as we work to achieve our Long-Term Vision.
* A review of past CO2 emissions was conducted when acquiring SBT certification in 2023.
CO2 Emissions : Scope 1 (CO2 Directly Emitted by the Company, Such as from Fuel Consumption)
CO2 emissions by location (domestic)
CO2 emissions by region (global)
CO2 Emissions : Scope 2 (CO2 Indirectly Emitted by the Company, Such as from Use of Electricity)
CO2 emissions by location (domestic)
CO2 emissions by region (global)
CO2 Emissions : Scope 1 and 2
CO2 emissions by location (domestic)
CO2 emissions by region (global)
CO2 Emissions : Scope 3 (CO2 Emitted in the Supply Chain)
Breakdown by category (global)

* CO2 emissions factors for domestic power use are the “alternative value” of the “emission coefficient by electric utility” published by the Ministry of the Environment.
Specific Initiatives

Proactive introduction of renewable energy
Whenever we build or renovate a factory building, we proactively install solar panels.
At the Saitama Plant, which is positioned as an Environmental Model Plant, through the installation of solar panels and the purchase of carbon-free power with a non-fossil certificate, we have achieved a renewable energy usage rate of about 40%.
We are also proactively promoting the increase of energy efficiency by switching to energy-saving production methods and investing in equipment, and laterally rolling out these measures across the Tsubaki Group as we work toward reducing power consumption in the entire Group.
Saitama Plant power consumption breakdown

Promoting the Energy JIT Initiative in the heat treatment process
The Saitama Plant is promoting the Energy JIT Initiative in an effort to increase the energy efficiency of the heat treatment process. The JIT (just in time) Initiative is a system intended to thoroughly eliminate waste in order to produce and supply only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the quantities needed.
This system has been incorporated into several energy-efficiency initiatives, including the following:- Shutting off heaters when not needed through multiple equipment shutdowns;
- Eliminating energy waste by reviewing the timing of heat treatment furnace start-up and shutdown;
- Eliminating energy waste during holidays (heat treatment facilities typically operate 24/7); and
- Reviewing operation timing of auxiliary equipment (stopping and controlling during surplus hours)

Installation of pulse blowers for air compressors
Air compressors are used for a variety of purposes in our plants. At the tensioner plant, for example, air compressors represent about 50% of the plant’s total power consumption.
In the tensioner processing line, oil and other contaminants are removed through an air-blowing process after the regular operation and cleaning processes. We have since adopted a pulsed blowing system. This allows the same functionality to be achieved with about half the air consumption, resulting in significant energy savings.
We are working to reduce power consumption at our other plants by deploying this system as needed.

Examples of initiatives at overseas group company
Tsubaki Kabelschlepp GmbH (Germany)
Tsubaki Kabelschlepp GmbH is actively implementing CO2 reduction activities to achieve their long-term environmental goals.
For example:- Optimizing resource efficiency (Waste heat recovery from compressors and injection molding)
- Switching to renewable energy
(Switch to 100% renewable energy from January 2022) - Using LED lighting (completed in all production areas)
- Replacing existing equipment with high efficiency equipment (Planned equipment replacement with high efficiency injection molding machines)