Employee Engagement
The Tsubaki Group is continuously implementing a range of activities to improve employee engagement. This refers to employees being able to work in a safe and comfortable environment in terms of both the workplace environment and psychological aspects, and with a deep understanding of and resonance with the company’s purpose and why we exist. We want our employees to also be self-motivated to proactively contribute to creating such a workplace.
Communication between Senior Management and Employees
We implement activities to spread the Tsubaki Spirit, our corporate philosophy, on an ongoing basis to deepen our employees’ understanding of the company’s purpose and significance. These include messages from the President, various opportunities for learning and training, and sending out information in a company newsletter. Every six months, we also send out a video message from the President, in which he explains the business conditions for that period. This is a way to share information about the company’s business performance and the progress of our businesses. We also actively create opportunities for management and employees to talk.
At the core of our personnel management system is our aim to improve employee engagement through the education, training, and evaluation of personnel.
Opening of the One Tsubaki Company Portal Site
In November 2023, we opened the One Tsubaki PR portal site to share internal information and foster bilateral communication.
Utilizing the features of the website, the site was also planned based on the concept of a space that connects employees, supports co-creation, and enables face-to-face communication between top management and employees, the site also allows for the timely communication of information. Alongside company news, messages from top management, information from each division, and chat rooms, we are steadily adding content based on the key concepts of understanding the company and connecting with other divisions.
With the increase in mid-career hires and innovations in working styles, there are growing opportunities to work in a wide range of settings, including from home. In this environment, we aim to make this site a place for bilateral communication, with the goal of sharing the diverse values and knowledge of our individual employees.

Increasing Motivation with the New Business Proposal Contest T-Startup
In FY 2022, we launched T-Startup, a new business proposal contest. In this contest, we invite submissions of new business proposals from employees. If a proposal passes the judges, screenings, the employee who submitted the proposal becomes the leader of a project to develop the proposal into an actual business. In the second contest held in FY 2023, we received 65 proposals from Tsubaki employees in Japan and overseas. Five teams made it through to the second screening and gave presentations on their respective proposals, with videos of the presentations shared via the company’s intranet site. As a result, two business proposals have started working towards commercialization, and the progress of the four proposals for which commercialization was started in FY 2022 was announced at opportunities such as the New Business Proposal Presentation Meeting. The T-Startup contest is an internal venture company system for creating new businesses, and is also a way to boost the employee motivation and encourage them to take on new challenges within the company.

Awareness Survey for Monitoring Employees and the Organization’s Culture
Tsubakimoto Chain has been implementing a survey of employee awareness once every two years since 2002.
The survey is for Tsubakimoto Chain employees in Japan, and includes nine items that cover the following broad areas: (1) Workplace environment, (2) Workplace atmosphere, (3) Job satisfaction, (4) Guidance and evaluation of subordinates, (5) Tsubaki Spirit and management policies, (6) Tsubaki brand, (7) Initiatives for SDGs, (8) Satisfaction toward the company, and (9) Work style. We regularly monitor our employees and the organization, and ensure that our organizational operations reflect the voices of our employees. Our goal is to create a better working environment.
As part of our environmental improvements, the rules for travel expenses were reviewed in FY 2023, and revised to incorporate employee requests such as reducing burdens during business travel. Additionally, the following measures were implemented:
- Revitalized the in-house recruitment system aimed at promoting career autonomy
- Reinforced evaluator training for new management positions to optimize subordinate instruction and evaluation
- Introduced a work-from-home system (promoting flexible working styles, support for balancing child care and nursing care with work, etc.)
(Partial) Results of the FY 2022 Employee Awareness Survey
Item | FY 2020 | FY 2022 |
Rate of job satisfaction | 47.5% | 49.8% |
Rate of satisfaction toward the company | 54.9% | 57.0% |
* A survey of employee awareness is conducted once every two years. The next survey is planned for FY 2024.